In honor of tonight’s ghoulish festivitieshere are some Special Collections selections featuring ghosts, witches, mysteries, the occult and paranormal. Take a look if you dare. Who knows you may find a last minute costume idea or a recipe for your haunted house.
Attempted body snatching and inspiring a retired lieutenant commander of the United States Navy to become a leader of the Spiritualist movement poor President Lincoln’s spirit isn’t getting much rest in the afterlife. Clippings from the Washington Daily News (1962) and Washington Star (1959)
Little Witch’s Magic Cookbook (1972)
Three murderous sisters in Christiansburg, a ghost with half a head in Pulaski County, and more can be found in ‘The Mystery of Ghostly Vera and other Haunting Tales of Southwest Virginia’ (1993)
Again Abraham Lincoln and mysticism. Fate vol. 2, no. 3 (September 1949)
Do things in your house go bump in the night? Then you might want to look at this architect’s lecture on ‘How to Sell a Haunted House.’ From Ms2003-018 Eleanore Pettersen Architectural Collection.
Witchcraft & Sorcery The Modern Magazine of Weird Tales (formerly Coven 13) vol.1, no. 5 (January-February 1971)
Poltergeists; an introduction and examination followed by chosen instances. (1959)
Ever wondered what kind of poem a poltergeist would write? From ‘Poltergeists; an introduction and examination followed by chosen instances.’ (1959)
Curious about how to create a ‘Magic Mirror?’ This book provides instructions on several different techniques. Magnetic magic; a digest of the practical parts of the masterpieces of L.A. Cahagnet. (1898).